Category Archives: headline

New signboard installation day

25/10/24, Taman Melawati center new signboard installation day. We are now is a Language Center, Pusat Bahasa, welcome everyone to learn Mandarin here. 25/10/24, 卓越汉语Melawati 中心新招牌安装日,我们是一家汉语语言中心,欢迎大家来学习汉语。 www.LearnMandarin.Asiawww.MandarinClass.My        

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Attending International Conference

Attended Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education workshop in Singapore on 18th & 19th Nov 2023. We will update you what we learn and the latest development of HSK exam soon!2023年11月18 & 19号,出席国际中文教育中文水平等级标准工作坊。我们将尽快分享所学习到内容与HSK汉语水平考试最新发展。

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TV 2 Interview

有关学校与教育中心如何在疫情下重开议题,接受TV2专访,建议采用双轨制度。Regarding how schools and education centers reopened under the epidemic, we accepted an interview of Mandarin News TV2 and suggested a dual-track system. (Feb 2021) From TV2 fb page link: Your browser does not support HTML5 video.    

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Kelab Mandarin Setiabudi (UIA)

Kami besama menubuhkan “KELAB MANDARIN SETIABUDI (UIA)”  

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African is learning Mandarin Language now!

Now even African are learning mandarin language! Yesterday, we brought our African mandarin teacher to KLCC by taking MRT.  We tried to practice our mandarin conversation, click to watch it. (Aug, 2017)

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Learning IGCSE Mandarin Language Exam System in London

旅游不忘汉语事业,在英国向英国本地老师请教IGSE中文考试系统。同乡又是同行,话题特别多! Learning IGCSE mandarin language exam system from a local British teacher! The UK syllabus have been amended recently, a lot of things need to be updated. IGCSE Mandarin, we are ready!

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