有同行自远来,不亦乐乎!柬埔寨KCE 国际学校创办人Sopheak Lar 远道而来参观卓越汉语总部
The founder of KCE International School in Cambodia, Sopheak Lar, came to visit the EDU Mandarin Headquarter yesterday. She is about to start a school that includes a Chinese language courses in Phnom Penh.
We introduced the center’s unique Chinese language teaching system, including the Great Wall Chinese Language Sound Recognition System, Local Red Dragon children system, the multi media Quizlet Flash Card and HSK Chinese Proficiency Test, etc.
Sopheak is deeply impressed by the multilingual strength of Malaysian Chinese and agrees that Malaysia is a talent pool for Chinese language teachers. On the spot, she requested us to send our outstanding personnel to train their school Chinese teachers and purchased some of our teaching materials!
柬埔寨??KCE 国际学校创办人Sopheak Lar 远道而来参观卓越汉语总部。即将在金边创办包括汉语课程学校的她,表示特别观察到马来西亚的汉语水平在海外的超高表现,来隆开会之余特来访取经。