Online learning, Face to Face with teacher!

Dear mandarin learning solution searcher:

We are educational company specialized in teaching Mandarin as second language for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. Our headquarter is located in the capital city of Malaysia (@ Taman Melawati) and several centres located in Petaling Jaya and Kajang.

img-0If you currently staying too far from our Mandarin centres, you could opt to take our online packages as our dedicated and passionate teachers will teach you via Zoom/ Skype, and you could review or revise your lessons 24 hours through our after-class internet revision solutions.


For your information, Malaysia is the only nation outside China that provides formal and complete primary and secondary Mandarin education to students. There are also many young Malaysian teachers graduated from prominent Universities in China. As one of the ex-British colonial nations, Malaysian (especially Malaysian Chinese) still viewed English as their most important second language and also maintained Mandarin as their mother-tongue language.

Please watch to know about our teachers and Malaysia


In view of this, Malaysia is the nation that is able to provide teachers in the area of teaching Mandarin as second language with good command in English. This is important in the early stage of Mandarin learning especially for those who are from English speaking background.

Online learning normally once a week, for 1-2 hours, we offer reasonable fees.


All Available Online Group Courses

(Click the GREEN area to register)

Children & Adult One-to-one Class

 1) All Levels Individual Class (One to One): RM40-80 per Session  Open: start anytime



Adults Zoom Group Class

2) Level 1 Part 1: Basic Level: The date and price willl be announced soon: more info


Children Zoom Group Class

3) Level 1 Part 1: Basic Level (Child):

The date and price willl be announced soon

: more info


Our e-learning platform not only equip with desktop version, but also with mobile version!  Click below to watch the introductory video:

We suggest those who interested may proceed to make an appointment with our teacher in order to experience how the class will be conducted via Zoom or Skype.

Timing for the class? You may discuss with the teacher that we appointed for you. If not suitable after discussion, we will appoint another teacher for you. Online Learning class adopts flexible timing, student is free to adjust the time with your teacher! 

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Please fill in the feedback form below ( or call +60166228057, +60129036155, +60341616827,China +86 135 7036 8234) to arrange for your TRIAL session or further communication with our marketing team.

Teacher Profile


Our dedicated full time teachers

Shawna Pang Shei Yee  潘雪玉

Teacher Pang

► 2012/09-2013/06 中国上海华东师范大学 ,对外汉语本科毕业
Bachelor Degree in Mandaarin as Second Language (Shanghai East China Normal University)
► 2010/03-2012/08 马来西亚新纪元学院, 对外汉语教学专业文凭
Diploma in Mandarin as Second Language (New Era College)


Kate Janelle Binns 古琦


► 宁夏大学人文学院 汉语言文学师范(本科)(2015)
Ningxia University’s School of Liberal Atrs Chinese Literature (Bachelor) (2015)
► 宁夏大学外国语学院 英语(辅修)
Ningxia University’s School of Foreign Language English (Minor)
► 宁夏大学国际教育学院 助教
Ningxia University’s School of International Studies Teaching Assistant (June 2014-September 2014)
► 2013.09 获CCTV“希望英语”风采大赛宁夏赛区大学成人组一等奖
2013.09 The First Prize In The CCTV “Star of Outlook” Ningxia Regional English Talent Competition

Click here to view complete profile.