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IGCSE Exam for Mandarin subject 2019 open for registration and revision classes:

Cambridge IGCSE Chinese (Mandarin) – Foreign Language (0523)Cambridge IGCSE Chinese (Mandarin) – Foreign Language (0547) Open for single subject candidate, contact us for more info:0166228057, [email protected]

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International Student Visa Agent

Why learn in Malaysia? First, Malaysia is known for having a low cost of living. According to Expatistan’s report, the cost of living in Malaysia is cheaper than in 89% of countries in the world. Additionally, Numbeo reports that the cost of living in Malaysia is, on average, 52.2% lower than in the United States. […]

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Collaborate with China’s largest school textbook, language publishing & research institute!

  Collaborate with China’s largest school textbook, language publishing & research institute, which is the “Foreign Language Teaching and Research Centre” to launch Mandarin learning and teaching projects and have obtained “Foreign Language Teaching and Researh Centre- Malaysia Mandarin Centre” partner plaque from the President of the said institute, Madam Fan Xiao Hong. Foreign Language […]

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HSK Mandarin Proficiency Examination Registration

Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), HSK Level 7-9 & HSKK For those who wish to sit for HSK examination, please fill in the form below and bank in your payment to the account below: Public BankEDU Language & Translation Svc3194211625 #### Your registration only completed when you fill in in the form below and make the […]

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Two advantages of EDU Mandarin learning system

Two advantages of EDU Mandarin learning system: Why study in EDU Mandarin? Flexible timetable at your convenience and flexible modes of payment. 1. Flexible modes of fee payment.  Our fee structure is flexible, it’s depends on your area of residence, we charge RM 140 to 240 for Taman Melawati and Kajang centers. In regards to […]

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Seminar Mandarin Teaching Odonata 2017 红蜻蜓师资培训

Seminar Mandarin Teaching Odonata 2017 红蜻蜓师资培训 (19.11.2017),由EDU Mandarin 讲师主讲,课题包括: 1.培养幼儿阅读及学习兴趣 2.红蜻蜓首100字汉字教学经验分享 3.如何教母语为华语者汉语 4.如何教母语非华语者汉语 5.中国崛起与当代汉语 6.认字:汉语教学的挑战现有方案 7.美国Quizlet系统作为辅助教材: 8.简单而实用网络多媒体辅助 日期:19 th November 2017 (Sunday) 时间:9:30AM – 4:00PM *9:00AM 开始报名,招待早点  地点:Silka Hotel, Cheras (KM10, Jalan Cheras, 56000 K.L. +603 9100 1133 MRT Station : Taman Connaught ) 对象:培训会由卓越汉语创办人钱进逸与周锦秀以汉语主讲,适合幼教工作者、华教工作者、中小学老师与家长们参加 提前60位报名者只需RM170 附送:学前教学计划教学指南,教学文凭,早点,及自助午餐。 BANK IN/TRANSFER : CIMB 8000 330 257 If […]

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Edu Mandarin Seminar

Seminar’s document : Power Point of HSK 1 and HSK 2 : HSK 1 & 2 Power Point of Mandarin Introduction: Mandarin Introduction Power Point of Pin Yin: Pin Yin Document of Bina Insan Sehari Mandarin Seminar: Bina Insan Sehari Mandarin Seminar

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Wish to learn mandarin but no target to speak?

You are invited to join this Speak Mandarin Wechat group to practice your mandarin conversation! The group is supported by full time Mandarin teachers from ,  and ! Only those serious are encourage to join by sending “I wish to join your mandarin conversation group” to Wechat id: jyching1  

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Welcome new teacher: Now we not only have local, but also oversea teacher joining us!

Wan Ran 王然  Native speaker of mandarin language, origin from Beijing  Based in Old Klang Road KL 中国公民,北京人,目前居住吉隆坡旧巴生路  Online Mandarin Teacher 线上汉语课程教师  2007/02 – 2011/01 Peking University Bachelor in English 北京大学英语学士  2003/09 – 2006/06 China Medical University Major in Dental Laboratory Technology 中国医科大学牙科实验室技术专业 Click here to know about our teachers >>

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HSK 词汇突破 6 级第 2 版

《HSK 词汇突破 6 级第 2 版》适合参加 HSK 汉语考试考生使用,特别针对第六级的考试词汇准备。此书拥有完整考试所概括的词汇范围,附词汇拼音与英文翻译与解释,并以例句来强化考试对该词汇的理解。可以随身携带复习背诵,加强开始准备与信心。前往购买>>

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