为了激发新马地区各界人士学好华文的自豪感,马来西亚科思达教育集团 (Crestar Education Malaysia Sdn Bhd)在总公司科思达集团和中国国家汉办-汉考国际的大力支持下,将于2017年9月23日(星期六)举办“第二届小学生国际华语水平大赛(新马地区)”。 此次大赛分设“A组”和“B组”两大组别,每个组别除了设有“个人奖”之外,派出至少3名学生参加特定组别的学校也有机会角逐团体奖。 每个组别的团体奖以团体报名学校的前3名学生成绩计团体奖总分,设置一等奖、二等奖、三等奖各1名。获奖学校获得500新元、300新元、200新元奖金。 我们相信此次大赛是鼓励和肯定贵校华文成绩优异学生的极佳机会,所以特别邀请贵校选拔华文成绩优异的学生参与此次大赛,以展现贵校学生听力、阅读、作文三项语言技能方面的优异成绩! 所有参赛学生都将获得中国国家汉办颁发的、广受国际认可的【HSK四级或五级成绩单】,为学生会考、升学和未来职业发展做好充分的准备。 比赛报名截止日期为8月18日。 任何需要进一步了解的问题,欢迎随时与 马来西亚科思达教育集团有限公司联系: 电话:+603 5632 2663 / 5637 电邮:[email protected] (July, 2017)
The buses ???? to Melawati Mall will definitely bring you to our center in Taman Melawati ! #Melawati Mall: Officially open tomorrow! Now you can drop you children for mandarin class at our HQ and pick them after your shopping! (July, 2017) >>Click here for view the full Map
Our Taman Tun classroom now reachable by the newly lunch MRT! Only 13 minutes of walking according to Google Map! (July, 2017)
甜不甜? 又是拍班级照时间,2017回教大学私立学校汉语班留影! Again, it is the time for class photo session. The Chinese class of Private School of UIA are taking photos today! EDU Mandarin have partnering with the school to run mandarin language classes for the second years! (July, 2017)
为老师举办汉语教学系统与HSK汉语水平考试培训。槟城KDU大学校长钟明旂博士 (右二)亲自来参加培训! HSK exam training yesterday night! Dr. Chong (second from right), the principal of KDU University (Penang) attended our HSK training in person! We train teacher, we teach students and send for external examination! (July, 2017)
我们今天拜访了槟城的KUD学院,并受到院长钟明旂博士的热情接待。此前,卓越汉语已经推荐多位北马考生前往该学院的HSK汉语考试中心接受全马唯一的HSK网络考试。我们交流了多项有关汉语教学与考试课题。钟院长同意该学院在未来的日子里愿与我方共同进一步鼓励学生报考HSK考试,并也计划邀请我们未来到学院主讲HSK考试讲座与教学系统培训! We have paid a visit to the KUD University College in Penang and was warmly welcomed by the Principal , Dr Chong Beng Keok. Before the visitation, EDU Mandarin has recommended a number of Northern students to sit for the HSK Exam in their examination center. For your information, KDU is the only institution […]
Level 5 HSK mandarin proficiency exam, scored 236 out of 300 marks in April 2017 sitting! Congratulations to our Taman Melawati center student, Nur Aisyah Binti Mohammad. It is not easy for a non-Chinese to achieve such a flying color result. #颜色飞起来的好成绩! FYI, obtain a high score in HSK level 5, will enable you to enroll […]
我们在英国伯明翰与现代中文学校校长关小兵 (右二)和教务主任李冉 (右)进行汉语教学深度交流。我们的交流是特别针对两国之间的汉语教学情况的差异、教学法、汉语水平考试以及IGCSE 中文等课题。我们彼此交换意见与经验,真是获益良多! We conducted an in-depth exchanges of Chinese teaching together with the President of the Modern Chinese School, Guan Xiao Bing (Second from the right) as well as the Dean of Studies, Li Ran (right). Our exchanges are especially aimed at the differences in the Chinese teaching between the two countries, the […]
We are celebrating teacher’s day together with our students from Setia Budi school! We can see that our students have learn mandarin well under our guidance. This can be seen when they are capable of performing some mandarin conversations on stage. Practice makes perfect. Please do not hesitate to send us your children if you […]
Bring our students to University Malaya for HSK Mandarin Proficiency Exam this morning! We wish all the candidates, especially our students in Kongzi Institute (University Malaya)’s exam center and those who are having the HSK Mandarin Proficiency and HSKK Exam from all over the world to perform well in their exams today. Let’s wish them […]
Monday | 8PM - 10PM |
Tuesday: | 7PM - 8:30PM; 8:30PM - 10PM (2 slots) |
Wednesday: | 8PM - 10PM |
Thursday: | 8PM - 10PM |
Friday: | 9:30 - 11AM 11 - 12:30PM (2 slots) |
Saturday: | 9:30 - 11AM 11AM - 12:30PM; 12:30PM - 1:30PM; 2:30PM - 4PM (4 slots) |
Wednesday: | 4:30PM - 6:00PM; 7:00PM - 8:30PM; 8:30PM - 10:00PM(3 slots) |
Saturday: | 9:30AM - 11AM; 11AM - 12:30PM (2 slots) |
Thursday: | 7:00PM-8:30 PM 8:30PM-10:00 PM 4:30PM-6.00PM (3 slots) |
Saturday: | 9:30AM-11:00AM; 11:00AM-12:30PM (2 Slots) |
Thursday | 8PM-9:30PM |
Saturday: | 10:00AM-11:30AM; 11:30AM-1PM; 2:30PM-4PM (3 slots) |
New students visitation hours:
Thursday: | 7PM - 10PM |
Friday: | 1PM - 6PM |
Sunday: | 2PM - 3.30PM (1 slot) |
Kids Class:
Friday: | 1PM - 6PM |
Monday: | 9AM - 12PM; 3PM - 6PM (Kids Class) |
Tuesday: | 3PM - 6PM (Kids Class); 7PM - 10PM (Adults Class) |
Wednesday: | 9AM - 12PM |
Thursday: | 3PM - 6PM (Kids Class) |
Sunday: | 9AM - 1PM (Adults class); 11AM - 12.30PM (Kids Class); 1PM - 2.30PM (Kids Class) |
Adults Class:
Friday: | 9AM - 12PM |