Category Archives: gallery

Learning Mandarin Language in Kenya and Malaysia

A lot of students learning mandarin language in Kenya and Malaysia! Listen to two teachers from Africa and Malaysia, click to enjoy the video! Discovery Chinese (Nairobi) and EDU Mandarin (KL), two mandarin schools with a lot of similarities and share the same passion ! #LearnMandarin #HSK#IGCSC #Nairobi

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Congratulations to Elizabeth

恭喜!坚持学习,勇敢步入考场!欢喜领文凭! 伊丽莎白法英混血,父亲是英国人,母亲是法国人,她拥有英法双重国籍。为了梦想,她决定远赴中国考取医科文凭。趁着大学假期,来到卓越汉语,接受短期HSK四级密集课程。原来,就读武汉大学医学系的她,需要HSK四级文凭以符合实习与毕业需求。她勤能补拙的精神,让她在HSK 四级中考取了231/300分的亮眼成绩!这不仅能让她在学习中进展得更顺利,也能加强她的交际能力,可谓喜上加喜!我们也引以为荣! 为此,本中心希望伊丽莎白能带着她在马来西亚学习汉语的回忆,到他国依然学无止境!记得,无论黑人白人,没有汉语环境的异族都可以掌握好汉语,是因为坚持学习与用对学习系统!我们无法成功,是因为方法错误,未尝试就放弃! 图解:伊丽莎白(中),左为肯尼亚策略伙伴菲丝,右为中心创办人周锦秀硕士。 Our congratulations to Elizabeth for her outstanding performance in the HSK exams, “Your persistence in learning Mandarin and your brevity to face the exams was outstanding, and today here we are as you receive your certificate with a joyful heart! Elizabeth is half French and half English, Her father is […]

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Magnificent Collaboration of International Talent

We was having dinner together with Faith and Chengai Ling. Teacher Faith is the founder of “Discovery Chinese”center in Nairobi, Kenya. She is amongst the few Africans who can communicate in Chinese fluently. Teacher Chengai Ling came from the town of Bintulu in the state of Sarawak, she had a Masters degree in Chinese studies […]

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HSK Chinese Proficiency Test and Mandarin Learning Seminar in Sitiawan

“HSK Chinese Proficiency Test and Mandarin Learning” Seminar on 30 August 2017 (Wednesday) 8pm in Manjung Writing Organization (Pertubuhan Penulis Manjung) center. This is an event organized by both Edu Mandarin and Manjung Writing Organization. We will analyse the purpose of HSK Chinese Proficiency test, the exam content as well as the topic on the […]

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Ceramah “Ujian Bahasa Cina HSK dan Pelajaran Bahasa Cina”.

SITIAWAN: Ceramah “Ujian Bahasa Cina HSK dan Pelajaran Bahasa Cina”. EDU Mandarin bersama dengan Pertubuhan Penulis Manjung (PPM) akan menganjurkan ceremah bertopik “Ujian Bahasa Cina HSK dan Pelajaran Bahasa Cina” di Persatuan PPM pada 30 Ogos (Rabu) 8.00pm. Ceremah ini akan diadakan di pejabat PPM di Seri Manjung. Ceramah ini bertujuan untuk memperluaskan pengetahuan masyarakat […]

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(实兆远22日讯) 随着中国经济实力崛起,学习汉语已经在世界各地掀起热潮,本地早已经多年前掀起友族同胞学习汉语以及将孩子送入华小的风气。 配合此现象,卓越汉语联合曼绒文友会将在八月三十日(星期三)晚上八点,假实兆远文友会会所举行 “HSK汉语水平考试与汉语学习”讲座,为你分析HSK汉语水平考试用途与考试内容,同时也分析目前国内外汉语学习情况等课题。 当晚邀请了远自非洲东岸肯尼亚的“发现汉语”中心创办人菲斯为您主讲“认识非洲肯尼亚与非洲汉语学习情况”。身为黑人老师的菲斯将亲自用汉语主讲,她将向大家介绍其祖国肯尼亚,其远赴中国学习汉语的经历、非洲人学习汉语情况与困难等! 另外,卓越汉语院长钱进逸硕士将主讲“时下汉语作为第一与第二语言之语言规划”,分析汉语作为第一与二语言在我国的学习情况,两者之异同与出路问题,如何在多语环境的马来西亚为孩子做符合时代需求的语言学习规划,以及HSK考试与中国留学与中国工作签证之关系等课题? 此外,卓越汉语创办人周锦秀硕士将为你剖析HSK汉语水平考试之内容与格式,考试准备与回答技巧。周硕士五年前毅然将HSK汉语水平考试引入中心的课程,并且亲自指导老师与学生教授和考取HSK汉语水平考试文凭。 当晚,主办当局也当场展示与售买从中国入口的HSK汉语水平考试教材、参考书与历年考题集。欢迎各界踊跃出席,并邀请有志学习汉语的友族参与其盛,活动联络:0166228057 或游览 以获得更多详情。 实兆远文友会地址 曼绒文友会 PERTUBUHAN PENULIS MANJUNG 82-83, FIRST FLOOR, JALAN SM 1C/10, FASA 1C4, 32040 SERI MANJUNG, PERAK D.R. Loading…

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Yes, we teach you from the most basic!

Learning mandarin always start with the most basic “nihao” (hello), “ni jiao shenme mingzi” (what is your name). Without any videography training, we as mandarin language teacher in Asia and Africa, try to cooperate to produce videos for students! We know that you need a lot of after class listening and conversation practices in order […]

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African is learning Mandarin Language now!

Now even African are learning mandarin language! Yesterday, we brought our African mandarin teacher to KLCC by taking MRT.  We tried to practice our mandarin conversation, click to watch it. (Aug, 2017)

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Visitor from Africa (Part 2)

Another group of students are having mandarin conversation practice with the guest teacher Faith Wanjiku Mworia Do you wish to join and show your mandarin conversation skills? (Aug, 2017)

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Visitor from Africa (Part 1)

Visitor from Africa comes to our center this morning!  She has a good mandarin conversation practice with the local Malay students! Who else wish to have a conversation practice with our guest teacher ? (Aug, 2017)   Our Guest Teacher, Faith (Second from right) comes to our center this morning!  

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