Category Archives: gallery

Congratulations to Teacher Darren

We are delighted to celebrate the outstanding achievement of our dedicated educator, Ling Wei Cheng (Darren), who has officially graduated with a Master’s Degree in Chinese Studies from the prestigious Universiti Malaya! Darren’s extensive academic background and professional expertise make him an exceptional teacher:  Educational Background Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese Studies (Universiti Tunku […]

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Now all our students can enjoy Free course ware at home!

Special for all the student of EDU Mandarin, request a free account from your teacher. Great Wall Chinese Software (Course ware) is a complete set of study software imported from Beijing, covering 1-6 (60 units) level courses for new Mandarin students. The software provides: 1. Clear and engaging animations for new students to enhance your […]

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Sekolah Redah Setiabudi, Kelab Bahasa Mandarin,

Sekolah Redah Setiabudi, kelab bahasa mandarin, peningkatan pelajar baru tahun 2020 di luar jangkaan kami! Sekolah Redah Setiabudi, mandarin language club, the number of new student was increased beyond our expectation!

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Seminar on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning for International School 2019.

We shared about IB, IGCSE and HSK syllabus, and for the first time this annual internal seminar of EDU Mandarin open to outsider, and joined by nearly 30 teachers from all around the nation! 年度岁末培训:全面认识华小以外之华语课程Year End Seminar! 欢迎老师或家长参与 日期 :11/12/2019 (星期三, 雪州公共假期)时间 :10am-5pm 培训讲题: 1.剑桥 IGCSE华语课程全面认识 (钱进逸院长、张赛灵老师)2.IB 华语基本架构 (叶俊杰博士)3.HSK 汉语水平考试全面认识 (周锦秀硕士)4.对症下药:什么背景程度学生怎么配书 (钱进逸院长、周锦秀硕士)  

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Last Class in Cradle Fundle

Last class 2019: Corporate mandarin language training for staff of Cradle Fundle谢谢 xiexie大家 dajia everyone的 de努力 nuli effort??继续 jixu continue加油 jiayou keep it up衷心 zhongxin sincerely祝福 zhufu bless你们 nimen all of you

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Chinese video: 在“HSK” 与 “IGCSE Mandarin as First Language”间为孩子做出选择?

让孩子念国际学校后,仍然可以继续修读华语吗?答案是肯定,无论是国际学校IGCSE或其它源流的中学课程,都保留了华语科目,而且程度不浅喔! 上周,有家长致电询问卓越汉语,告知一班欲让孩子在中学高级学校继续修读华语的家长,必须在“HSK” 与 “IGCSE Mandarin as First Language”间为孩子做出选择。 两者的差异在何呢?我们为此特别制作视频,为您做专业解答。 Subscribe to our Youtube Channel : question via Whatsapp: Mandarin Website: Lazada page:

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Adults learners at Sunway Iskandar (Johor Bahru)

Our mandarin class syllabus and learning outcomes that applied in JB and most of EDU Mandarin centers, contact us to know more….  

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Kelab Mandarin Setiabudi (UIA)

Kami besama menubuhkan “KELAB MANDARIN SETIABUDI (UIA)”  

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