#Question: Hi! What are the contents/topics that we are going to learn in EDU Mandarin if we got no basic of mandarin language? #Answers: Level 1 Pinyin system, number (1-10,000) Greetings, First Meeting, Nationality and place of one’s origin, Occupation, Age, One’s height and weight, Address, telephone number, Family, Time and Basic personal information Level […]
Tonight we officially started another centre at Bandar Country Homes (Rawang)! Anyone nearby Rawang wish to join? #LearnMandarinRawang
#App is ready! Now you can direct review your Great Wall and HSK exam vocabularies through hand phone! High qualifying audio, graphic and examples provided! Search “PandaWord” at your App Store Or Google Play to download and enjoy it in this coming holidays! If need our support, kindly click link below: If you wish to know […]
Hi, 2018 HSK schedule: Exam date: 20/1/18(Sat) Register by: 19/12/17 Exam date: 11/2/18(Sun) Register by: 11/1/18 More information: http://www.mandarinclass.my/v2/hsk/
Flexible timetable at your convenience and flexible modes of payment. 1. Flexible modes of fee payment. Our fee structure is flexible, it’s depends on your area of residence, we charge RM 140 to 240 for Taman Melawati and Kajang centers. In regards to our flexible fees system, your fee depends on the frequency of a […]
由EDU Mandarin 讲师主讲,课题包括: 1.培养幼儿阅读及学习兴趣 2.红蜻蜓首100字汉字教学经验分享 3.如何教母语为华语者汉语 4.如何教母语非华语者汉语 5.中国崛起与当代汉语 6.认字:汉语教学的挑战现有方案 7.美国Quizlet系统作为辅助教材 8.简单而实用网络多媒体辅助 详情请查阅:https://goo.gl/znLkyy
Welcome Teacher Joyce! She graduated from UTAR with a Bachelor Degree in Chinese Studies! Currently based in PJ
You are invited to join this Speak Mandarin Wechat group to practice your mandarin conversation! The group is supported by full time Mandarin teachers from , and ! Only those serious are encourage to join by sending “I wish to join your mandarin conversation group” to Wechat id: jyching1
The buses ???? to Melawati Mall will definitely bring you to our center in Taman Melawati ! #Melawati Mall: Officially open tomorrow! Now you can drop you children for mandarin class at our HQ and pick them after your shopping! (July, 2017) >>Click here for view the full Map
Our Taman Tun classroom now reachable by the newly lunch MRT! Only 13 minutes of walking according to Google Map! (July, 2017)
Monday | 8PM - 10PM |
Tuesday: | 7PM - 8:30PM; 8:30PM - 10PM (2 slots) |
Wednesday: | 8PM - 10PM |
Thursday: | 8PM - 10PM |
Friday: | 9:30 - 11AM 11 - 12:30PM (2 slots) |
Saturday: | 9:30 - 11AM 11AM - 12:30PM; 12:30PM - 1:30PM; 2:30PM - 4PM (4 slots) |
Wednesday: | 4:30PM - 6:00PM; 7:00PM - 8:30PM; 8:30PM - 10:00PM(3 slots) |
Saturday: | 9:30AM - 11AM; 11AM - 12:30PM (2 slots) |
Thursday: | 7:00PM-8:30 PM 8:30PM-10:00 PM 4:30PM-6.00PM (3 slots) |
Saturday: | 9:30AM-11:00AM; 11:00AM-12:30PM (2 Slots) |
Thursday | 8PM-9:30PM |
Saturday: | 10:00AM-11:30AM; 11:30AM-1PM; 2:30PM-4PM (3 slots) |
New students visitation hours:
Thursday: | 7PM - 10PM |
Friday: | 1PM - 6PM |
Sunday: | 2PM - 3.30PM (1 slot) |
Kids Class:
Friday: | 1PM - 6PM |
Monday: | 9AM - 12PM; 3PM - 6PM (Kids Class) |
Tuesday: | 3PM - 6PM (Kids Class); 7PM - 10PM (Adults Class) |
Wednesday: | 9AM - 12PM |
Thursday: | 3PM - 6PM (Kids Class) |
Sunday: | 9AM - 1PM (Adults class); 11AM - 12.30PM (Kids Class); 1PM - 2.30PM (Kids Class) |
Adults Class:
Friday: | 9AM - 12PM |